超高分子量聚乙烯纖維因其具有的高斷裂強度, 高初始模量, 低斷裂伸長率, 與芳香族纖維, 碳纖維并稱爲目前能夠實現工業化生産的三大高性能纖維。目前,其織物在防護等領域顯示出良好的使用性能。
Ultra- high molecular weight polythylene (UHMWPE ) Fabric
Ultra- high molecular weight polythylene (UHMWPE ) fiber due to its high fracture strength, high initial modulus, low e longation were known together with aromatic fiber and carbon fiber as three high- performance fibers which had achieved industrial production. So far, UHMWPE fibric showed good performance in the protection and other domains.